visual resume
Presentation in Contemporary Urban Areas Pannel of the 6-th Applied Science Conference Spatial Development: Problems and Perspectives, Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Architecture, University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, 14-15 May 2015
General development plans are the base of the spatial development of the municipalities and the settlements. The provisions of the general development plans with which is determined the general structure and the prevailing designation of the territories, the kind and the designation of the technical infrastructure and the protection of environment and the sites of […]
Housing Policy (2008) Principal Lecturer Chief Assist. Prof. Milena Nanova The subject presents the experience of the European countries in the field of housing policy. Knowledge is obtained on the connections between the housing policy and the processes of planning. Skills are acquired for the development of programs and their implementation, and an approach is developed towards […]
projects presentation
Saint Nicholas Church, Goliama Rakovica, Elin Pelin
Presentation in pannel Investment Process in Construction – the Function of Urban PlannersPrincipal lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Valeri IvanovUrban Planning DepartmentFaculty of ArchitectureUniversity of Architecture, Civil engineering and GeodesyStudents obtain in-depth knowledge on the ethical values in the profession. They learn about the ethical norms in the modern society and acquire skills for identification of the ethical aspects […]
Old Bath, Bania Village, Razlog
Saint Nicholas Church, Goliama Rakovica, Elin Pelin