Урбанистични аспекти на социалната инфраструктура и средата за млади хора
- Младежките дейности и средата за млади хора като част от социалната инфраструктура в селищните системи – урбанистични аспекти и основни принципи на планиране и изграждане
- Разположение на средата за млади хора в градската структура и взаимодействие с останалите функционални подсистеми и компоненти – значение за развитието на селищните системи
- Фактори, определящи развитието на материалната база на средата за млади хора
- Функционална структура на средата за млади хора и младежките дейности – пространствена организация, демократичност на достъпа, екология и устойчиво развитие
- Системи за пространствено планиране и развитие на публичните пространства – теоретични модели и нормативна база
- Участие на младежките организации и обществеността в устройственото планиране и формирането на стратегически пространствени политики
- Качествени измерения на младежките дейности и средата за млади хора – светът на “различното” поколение
- Идентичност на средата за млади хора и отношението ѝ към принципите на пространствено планиране
- Креативни индустрии, културен менидмънт и маркетингови стратегии, младежко предприемачество и градска мобилност
- Културно-историческото наследство като основа за развитие на средата за млади хора и ревитализацията на публичните пространства
- Програми за градско възстановяване и развитие – място на младежките дейности в интегрираното планиране
- Градско обновяване и качество на живот – пространствени измерения, приложение на информационните системи и технологии, градски иновации и концепция “Интелигентния град”
Използвана литература
- Практическо помагало за механизми за стимулиране на участието на младежи в обществения живот на местно ниво, София, октомври 2009 година, Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройството и “Комтрейд Къмпани” ЕООД
- Национална програма за младежта (2016-2020) – проект, Министерство на младежта и спорта
- Национална стратегия за младежта (2012-2020), Министерство на младежта и спорта
- Гълъбов А. (2008) Качествени измерения на света на младите хора, Бъчварова, Р., Мирчев М., Различното поколение. Младежта на България на прага на Европа, София, УИ “Св. Климент Охридски”
- Иванов, В., доц. д-р арх. (2014) Социална инфраструктура, лекционен курс, специалност Урбанизъм, УАСГ
- Markusen, A. (2010) Creative Placemaking, Markusen Economic Research Services, Gadwa, A., Metris Arts Consulting, The Mayors’ Institute on City Design, a leadership initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the United States Conference of Mayors and American Architectural Foundation, източник: arts.gov
- Goldman, I. (2015) The Manzanita Gathering Place, Engaging Youth In Creative Place Making, ASLA COE PPN Presentation, източник: asla.org
- Horrigan, P. (2016) Creative Placemaking: Linking Arts, Culture, and Community Development, Research & Policy Brief Series, Cornell University, източник: cardi.cals.cornell.edu
- Berglund, U. (2008) Facilitating Influence on Town Planning by Children’s Maps in GIS, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala, Sweden, източник: colorado.edu
- Borrup, T., Ph.D. (2016) Creative Placemaking: Arts and Culture as a Partner in Community Revitalization, Fundamentals of Arts Management, University of Massachusetts, източник: creativecommunitybuilders.com
- Markusen, А. (2010) Creative Placemaking: How to Do It Well, University of Minnesota, Anne Gadwa Nicodemus, Metris Arts Consulting, Community Development INVESTMENT REVIEW, източник: frbsf.org
- Davy, M. (2016) The Art of Placemaking, Placemaking Case Studies, източник: futurecity.co.uk, други публикации на компанията:
- London Dock (в примери от междинно представяне, 28-ми ноември 2016 година)
- Southwark
- Piped Poetry Tachbrook Triangle
- Richard Wilson Slipstream
- Wright-Taylor, А., Rejuvenating Linwood Park through Placemaking, Newsome, E., Chitondo, M., Kienja, K., източник: geog.canterbury.ac.nz
- McEvoyLevy, S. (2012), Youth Spaces in Haunted Places: Placemaking for Peacebuilding in Theory and Practice, International Journal of Peace Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Winter 2012), pp. 1-32, източник: gmu.edu
- Eckstein, W. (2014) The role of artists & the arts in creative placemaking, Symposium report, Goethe-Institut Washington, D.C., May 30-31, 2014, Baltimore, MD, източник: goethe.de
- Денева, Н. (2015) Система на градско планиране в Дания, Градът.bg
- Rios, H. (2003) Community-Driven Place Making, University of Washington, Rios, M., Pennsylvania State University, The Social Practice of Participatory Design in the Making of Union Point Park, Journal of Architectural Education, pp. 19-27, източник: harvard.edu
- Kathryn, F. (2006) The Potential of Youth Participation in Planning, Journal of Planning Literature, Vol. 20, No. 4 (May 2006), DOI: 10.1177/0885412205286016, Sage Publications, източник: journals.sagepub.com
- Kinloch, V. (2009), Literacy, Community, and Youth Acts of PlaceMaking, English Education, Vol. 41, No. 4, Critical Literacy Research with Urban Youth: Implications for Teaching and Teacher Education (July 2009), pp. 316-336, източник: jstor.org
- Lee, S. (2016) Setting the stage for community change: Creative placemaking outcomes study, Linett, P., Baltazar, N., Ph.D., Woronkowicz, J., Ph.D., Levitt white paper, източник: levitt.org
- Creative Placemaking: A New Approach to Culture and Regeneration, източник: london.gov.uk
- Blum-Ross, A. (2003) It Made Our Eyes Get Bigger: Youth Filmmaking and Place-Making in East London, Visual Anthropology Review, Vol. 29, Number 2, Fall 2013, източник: lse.ac.uk
- Baeker, G. (2013) Creative Placemaking, Millier, L., Heritage meets the creative industries, Municipal World, February 2013, pp. 9-10, източник: mdbinsight.com
- Gadwa Nicodemus, A. (2013) Fuzzy vibrancy: Creative placemaking as ascendant U.S. cultural policy, Cultural Trends, Taylor & Francis, източник: metrisarts.com
- Montgomery, D. (2014) Creative Youth Development Movement Takes Hold, National Guild for Community Arts Education, източник: nationalguild.org
- A Guide to Neighborhood Placemaking in Chicago, Project for Public Spaces, Metropolitan Planning Council, 2008, източник: placemakingchicago.com
- Kent, F. (2006) Give the suburbs a place to gather, Fried, B., Newsday, Sunday, January 8, други публикации на pps.org
- Creating places, Municipal world
- Achieving Great Federal Public Spaces: A Property Manager’s Guide – part 1: intro
- part 2: evaluation
- part 3: solutions
- part 4: implementation
- part 5: resources
- Ward, B., Developing a Preliminary Community Profile using Hard Data
- Davies, S. (2003) Community Technology Centers as Catalysts for Community Change, Wiley-Schwartz, A., Pinkett, R., Servon, L., Report to the Ford Foundation
- Kent, F. (2002) Creating Places: How Transportation Can Make Great Places
- София 2020
- What is “Creative Placemaking”? – ROW Creative-Placemaking Handout, източник: reconnectingtoourwaterways.org
- Vazquez, L. (2012) Creative placemaking: Integrating community, cultural and economic development, white paper for leaders, researchers, instructors and practitioners to help build the field of creative placemaking, The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking, източник: togethernorthjersey.com
- Rogers, W., Creative Placemaking: Catalyzing Change Through Arts & Culture, The Trust for Public Land, източник: uli.org
- Using ICT for youth participation in the design of public space projects, бележки от конференция, 22-ри април 2015 година, Найроби, Кения, източник: unhabitat.org
5-ти септември 2016 година, източник: wcsckl.com - Päll, A. (2016) Youth organisations contribution to citizenship education, López-Bech, L., Lisney, J., Gil, M., European Youth Forum, източник: youthforum.org
- Геел, Ян (2016) Градове за хората, превод от английски: Елка Виденова, Борис Делирадев, ИК Жанет 45
- Никифоров, Ив., проф. д.н. арх. (2016) Градоустройството в България през XX и XXI век в контекста на Европейското, Никифорова, М., д-р. арх., издателство Славена, ISBN: 9786191900657
- Развитие на велосипедната мрежа в град Пловдив
- Анкетно проучване: survey.petkovstudio.com
- Работен вариант на страница, посветена на споделеното ползване на велосипеди под наем и развитието на велосипедната мрежа в град Пловдив: map.petkovstudio.com
- Публикация за събитие на тема Движението е здраве
- Буров, А., ас. урб. (2016) Модел за споделено развитие на жизнена среда в град София: улица “Цар Иван Асен II” и ж.к. “Яворов”, екип на СУБ, сдружение ИГРАД, сдружение Трансформатори и АСУБ
- Вранчева, С., доц. д-р арх. (2016) Модели за опазване, обновяване и оздравяване на исторически квартали при съвременното устойчиво развитие на София, Столична Община, Програма Европа 2016
- Bokova, I. (2016) UNESCO Global Report on Culture and Sustainable Urban Development, Foreword, unesco.org
- The State of European Cities 2016, Cities leading the way to a better future, European Union, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Population concentrations in the world, 2015
- Global Public Space Toolkit
- URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN LABS: tools for integrated and participatory urban planning
- International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning
- 21 Projects Compendium
- Urban and Territorial Planning
- A New Strategy of Sustainable Neighbourhood Planning – Five principles
- Analysis of city extensions
- County Engagement Framework for Kenya
- ECPI Discussion Paper
- E-Governance and urban policy design
- Final Urban Evaluation – LEDS Project
- Gender Responsive Urban Planning and Design
- Global Report Urban Health
- Guidelines for Urban Planning in Myanmar
- Integrating Climate Change into development Strategies
- NUP Guiding Framework
- Planning Sustainable Cities UN-HABITAT Practices and Perspectives
- Planning Urban Settlements in South Sudan
- Proceeding of UPCL
- Right to Develop
- Sustainable Urbanization in the Paris Agreement
- UNEP and UN-Habitat Greener Cities Partnership
- UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya
- Urban accessibility for more egalitarian cities
Faculty of Architecture, Piazza Borghese 9, Rome, ITALY
February 23, 2017 – February 24, 2017
The results of research in urban morphology describe historic cities as urban organisms whose survival, transformation and management needs design-based complex actions to be investigated by analytical tools integrating different knowledge.
Architecture, History, Geography are speculative discipline and provide useful tools to properly direct architectural projects, whether they are conceived or not in continuity with the urban and architectural language of the traditional existing context.
Preserve and renovate the historic cities and the historical urban tissues should be a new focus of urban policies and of those entrepreneurs and conservation professionals which have identified the abandonment of these urban realities as the emerging political and economic dynamics.
The scope of the conference is to collect studies, research, design and methodological reflections on contemporary architecture, urban contexts and historical building, directing the outcome to the definition of operational tools useful for a aware and contemporary design.
In recent years the reuse, the recovery, the architectural transformation of urban fabric are among the most practiced topic of the international architectural culture based both on open interpretations or limited to the aspect of conservation.
The conference will be an opportunity to discuss on contemporary design in the historic city, on tools and research methods to be applied to these architectural dynamic realities, and on operational tools used for designing such meaningful anthropological spaces.
Urbanform and design is an online journal dedicated to architectural and urban design. It is an utility open to scholar and architects involved on the project, summary of the process connected to the urban morphology of the city and the region.
The magazine is biannual, june – december.
Други литературни източници
- Agriculture in Urban Planning
- Auckland CBD
- Designing Sustainable Cities in the Developing World
- Dimensions of the Sustainable City Vol. 2
- Eco City Planning, Policies, Practice and Design
- Effective Practice in Spatial Planning
- Making Strategies in Spatial Planning, Knowledge and Values, Urban and Landscape Perspectives 9
- New Instruments in Spatial Planning, An International Perspective on Non-Financial Compensation, Sustainable Urban Areas
- New York Strategic Plan
- OECD Mersin Port, City Study
- Spatial Planning Systems in Western Europe, An Overview
- Sustainable Urban Planning, Tipping the Balance
- The Institutionalisation of European Spatial Planning, Sustainable Urban Areas
- The New Spatial Planning, Territorial management with soft spaces and fuzzy boundaries, RTPI Library Series
- The Visual Language of Spatial Planning, The form, style and use of cartographic representation in strategic spatial planning, The RTPI Library Series
- Ünlü, T. (2013) Transformation of a Mediterranean port city into a ‘city of clutter’: Dualities in the urban landscape – The case of Mersin, TU Cities 2013, vol. 30
- Ünlü, T. (2012) Thinking about urban fringe belts: a Mediterranean perspective, TU-UM-2013-1
- Urban Planning in Europe
- The Future of Place
Living Systems
Floor Plan Manual Housing, Birkhäuser
The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs
Public and Private spaces of the City, Ali Madanipour
Masterplanning the Adaptive City, Tom Verebes
A Handbook for Children and Young Peoples Participation
Urban Practice
- arkitema.com
- epr.co.uk
- futurecity.co.uk (т. 12 от литература)
- gehlpeople.com (т. 34 от литература)
- goddardmanton.com
- gridarchitects.co.uk
- herzogdemeuron.com
- jtp.co.uk
- makearchitects.com
- pps.org (т. 27 от литература)
- squireandpartners.com
- ratiodesign.com
CITIES – The Magazine
wasted open source report 2015
book of quotes picnic festival 2012
industrial renewal issuu / autumn 2009
farming the city / examples / urban agiculture summit 2013
Urban Future Initiatives